Wednesday, June 30, 2004 , 6:29 PM
><))o> Victim of the massive blackout
#yes...i'm one of the many many victims in Singapore who was affected by the black out yesterday. Yesterday night at around 10+, my whole family were sitting at the dining table eating watermelons and *PooF* we are suddenly in total corny right? We are only halfway through the melons when this happened...i was like "what the hell...". Fortunately, unlike celine who only had 1 pathetic candle at home, my house have a few boxes of candles that was more than enough to last us thru the half an hour of darkness. Through this incident i have realised how much i have been taking the luxury of having electricity for granted...i'm so lucky... is the second last day of mid year exam! Yeah! So happy...tml Chemistry HEck! Blog first! Hehe...*amy clears her throat* On a more serious tone, i think i am really going to do really bad for my mid year despite all the mugging...chemistry paper was such a killer...i don't understand why Aj chem department likes to give questions on organic chem so much and give us those complicated structures with at least a dozen different functional groups in one compound making my life so difficult...maths...sigh...gone bio was not as difficult compared to the hell chem and bio papers had been...but all my efforts at memorising SEXUAL REPRODUCTION were wasted! I knew this sexual reproduction thing was a waste of time! Come out all those Asexual reproduction questions for essays...kinda reminded me of my O level when i have mug so hard for the MENSTRAL CYCLE only to be treated to essay questions on BIOTECHNOLOGY (yup...menstral cycle didnt even make a guest appearance!)...sigh...i didn't finish my bio papers...and i didn't feel that i gave quality depressing....with only 5 months more to go, will i be ready for As? Gosh...what a dreadful thought!
*amy fainted*
Friday, June 25, 2004 , 4:50 PM
><))o> Dreams
#This is my fave song from The Corrs...loved the way they create the irish sort of atmosphere when you listen to this song....hope you will like the song too=)
Thursday, June 24, 2004 , 6:28 PM
><))o> The far side n Sherman's Lagoon
#i found some Gary Larson's comic online and i tot i share it on my blog. Gary Larson majored in Biology and has an exceptional talent for comic strips he ended up becoming famous by drawing comics closely related to biology...actually its Mr Ong that first expose the bio students to his drawings and i really grew to like his work..v cute...hope you will have a good laugh after reading it...
This one is just the cover page for one of his works...tot is very nicely drawn with colour and stuff...
The above is actually a page taken from gary larson's only (i think its the only one) story book..the story is actually about a son worm (the one with the freckles) complaining about there being a hair in the dirt and sees it as an insult which leads to him to conclude that he hates being an earthworm. Then the father worm told the son worm some grandma story (which is very funny) and the son worm feels proud being a worm the story got alot of tiny pictures for one to spot which is very funny..and if you look carefully, you can see forks and spoons on the table cos according to the book, mother worm want to make her family life as normal as possible so she made the effort to layout the forks and spoons for dinning although worms dont have the hands to use it...which brings us to the point of how mother worm got the hands to put it there in the first place (think mei mei was the one who asked me this) ??? Too bad the book didn't give a good explanation on that...think the mother worm use her mouth lah...haha..anyway the book is really cute...
#another comic of my fave is Sherman's Lagoon...very cute also...describes the happenings of a shark's's always in The Sunday Times...very funny...i love it!
#Hehe...very cute right? If you cant get the joke...then read again...u will get the joke pretty soon....(at least i did...unless you are more stupid than i am...Muahaha)...
I love comics..they just brighten up my day...even at nite.... -.-"
Tuesday, June 22, 2004 , 6:00 PM
><))o> Personality disorder test
#saw this personality disorder test which michelle-joy took and i decided to try it..looks like i am free from any disorders except a mild case of being histrionic and a severe case of being obsessive and complusive.
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
URL of the test:
URL for more info:
Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder is similar to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder. People with this disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.
#geez...that really sounds like me...but i must correct the part about being very critical of others when they do not meet up to my expectations...i dont criticise every little small mistakes any case, its not good to always criticise others..i try to avoid hurting people's feelings..*amy sounding all angelic*
, 4:41 PM
><))o> Wind beneath my wings
#yesterday i was struggling to get the quicktime player to play the song which i have upload...but somehow geocities fail on me (for the millionth[i'm not sure if there's such a word] time)..went to tag at yong hao's blog to seek help for him...miraclously, the player started playing the song functions in a weird way. Anyway, i chose the song "Wing Beneath My Wings" because i was mesmerize by the way my biology tutor, Mr Ong, sang this song during the farewell lecture for Miss Chong...not that i'm falling head over heels over Mr Ong (Of course not!) but the lyrics are just so appopriate for the occasion and he brought out the emotions of the song very well...heard an instrumental piece of the song yesterday when my dad bought some CDs and started playing it over the audio there and then, i decided to put the song in my blog...awww...fell in love with the song...
#was studying today when i received a picture msg from an annoynmous number (shall nickname the sender as Prankster)
Prankster: *Sent a garfield picture msg with a msg saying "This is the cute one wishing that you have a pleasant day"
Me: eh who are you?
Prankster: Your secret admirer.
Me: Huh? Yah right. JUst who are you?
Prankster: :-)The sweetest person in your life.
Me: *a few faces ran through my bf? dad? Nah...Mum? Nah!* Just who are you?
Prankster: *Text in chinese* (translated) You shouldnt be so curious you know. Each sms is 5 cents.
Me: Yes i know and i wouldn't be curious if not for an idiot like you. *Hp battery went flat before i got to send the msg*
-hp charged-
Prankster: *sent some stupid text msg about 1 man having four wives. He named the first wive doll, the second china doll, the third barbie doll and the last panadol.
Me: I would appreciate it if you tell me who are you and stop sending me stupid text msgs.
Prankster: *Made a call (but i didn't answer the call cos i wasn't clinging on to my hp as if it is my dear life)* You like to eat crab and sotong (or something similar to that)
Me: I would really appreciate it if you either tell me who are you or stop msging me.
-end of text- (or so i hoped...havent check my hp yet)
#The number looked very familiar to me but i couldn't figure out whose number is it nor do i have anyone with that number in my contact the second msg, i have already decided that the sender is a cowardly prankster who indulges in sending psychopathic msgs to any unfortunate hp user! Thou shall not let childish prankster ruin thou beautiful day!
Monday, June 21, 2004 , 6:43 PM
><))o> memory problem
#i'm feeling kinda frustrated now....i wonder if the problem lies with me or otherwise. Why i cnt seem to absorb and assimilate all the information in my notes even if i make an attempt to do the TYS questions? argh...its really getting on my nerves....i was studying halfway today when i had to re-read some infomation which i have forgotten like what the heck are baroreceptors and the ionic eq for indicators are HIn + H20 <---> In + H30...*sigh* I'm getting more and more demoralise as the exam the heck am i going to do my papers? Sigh...i have been getting headaches from reading and reading and doing questions.....i wonder how the hell am i going to get thru the As...*Sigh*
#went to healthzone with my bf and his brother a few days back...had quite alot of fun and a chance to unwind...healthzone really provided alot of information on diseases like cancer, dental problems, optical problems , diet and so on...took a pic with some still figures and with my bf's bro...

#sigh...too frustrated to blog...nothing much lately to blog oso...
To jacintha: Cheer up..i'm always here for ya and if i can, i will kick his sorry As* for you!
Thursday, June 17, 2004 , 10:02 PM
><))o> hiking
#Went hiking with my bf...we had planned to meet at 7am but he screw the morning up by arriving only at 7.40am...and afterwhich, i screw the day up by alighting 3 bus stops the end, before we even started hiking, we had to journey 3 bus stops to the entry of the hill. Upon reaching the entry pt, i can feel excitment inside me like a six year old who cannot wait to go to the playground. Along the way, i saw a very cute sign board cautioning the hikers not to feed the monkeys.

For your information, the fine for feeding the monkeys is $10,000!! Looks like its better to keep those bananas to myself....
#My bf and i have no particular perferance as to which trail to take so we randomly chose a trail and along the way, switch to another trail. There is two types of trail, one is like a wide road which is easy to hike but boring and another type is a narrower trail which is formed mainly by was defintely more adventrous hiking on these trails but it was extrememly tiring to scale up the steps.Along the way, i discovered a long stretch of ants matching in an army-liked manner. Curiosity got the better of me and i got a closer look to uncover the mystery of how the ants actually stayed in the line. To my surprise, i saw ants acting as guards along the path, defining the path for the ants to march. Nature just amazes and fascinates me! Finally after about an hour of hiking, my bf and i reached the submit. It wasn't really much of a submit...the catchment areas are hidden by the trees which is as good as eliminating all breath-taking views...below are two pictures which i took at the submit...

#After resting and munching on kaya buns, we headed down the submit trail and went up to another submit...this time round, we got slightly lucky and among the trees, there was a tiny opening which allowed us to catch a glimps of the earth below...

#We admired the view for a while and made our way down...just before leaving the submit, i saw a i took a picture of looks big but it is actually quite small...

#We went to the exhibition centre and i took a picture of this tiger.
The tiger is donated by Mr and Mrs Ha Khie Njoke. It was one of the four man-eating tigers shot in Sumatra in the late 1960s. Tigers often swam across the Straits of Johor to Singapore to breed, especially at Bukit Timah Hill and Chagni Jungle.
#Had lunch at Beauty World and went home feeling exhausted!
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 , 12:51 PM
><))o> the cat crusader

#this friendly, neighbourhood cat of admiralty has managed to find its way up to the fifth floor of blk XXX (blk number kept confidential to protect my privacy) and parked itself, comfortably it between my bicycles! This is the cat which i love to pat and stroke! It is very tame and not shy of humans at all! Fearing that the cat would shit outside my house or leave its fleas behind, mum shoo the cat away. Surprisingly, after we came back from market, the cat was still there, but this time sleeping outside my neighbour's house. It has heard all the clattering noises made by my bicycles and woke up to see what was going on. I cnt help but take a few pictures of the cat...the cat has grown up used to be so cute when it was a kitten...but i love the cat all the same...too bad mum doesn't share the same sentiments! Oh well! *amy shrugs*
Tuesday, June 15, 2004 , 9:13 PM
><))o> A new layout
#after sweating infront of the computer and fidgeting with adobe photoshop for the whole day, i finally finished my new layout...i have squeeze everything within the screen so the hassle of scrolling down to tag me or find my achieves are eliminated. I however, found the marquee quite a challenge...after shifting the whole thing arnd i have decided to put it above my blog...its not the best place and best solution so hopefully those of you who read my blog, can suggest to me how i can improve the whole thing...alright? Thank you!
Monday, June 14, 2004 , 4:12 PM
><))o> A walk to remember
#Saw this famous quote from the movie (and the book of course), "A Walk To Remember" in Celine's blog and it brought back all the overwhelming emotions i was feeling when i was watching the i decided to put this in my blog (to celine: hope you dont mind!)
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful and not conceded. It is never rude and selfish. It does not take offence and it is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sense of delight in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope in doing due work, whatever comes.
#watch the show if you havent...this show really touches your heart!
, 3:23 PM
><))o> A world where advertisments shaped the fashion trend
#In chinese, there is a saying that while humans are judge upon by the things they wear, Buhhda statues are judge by the layers of gold which they have. To put it simply, it means that our image defines our status in society and personality. How often is it that we label someone as Kawaii (Japanese-fanatic) when we see them in blouses of weird colour combinations like green background and black pokadots, with wide necklines,bright pink pleated skirts and court shoes without the heels at all? How often is it that we label someone as aunty when we see them in tops with varied floral patterns drawn with glitter frabic paint and wearing large gold chains around their neck?
In today's world, it is not surprising that we judge someone by their dressing because we are fed with huge chunks of advertising billboards and advertisments both on the street and at home. I was reading an NYJC comprehansion passage just now and there was a phrase which i found pretty true. The phrase was "television programmes are just means of providing the commericals with audiences". If anyone of you are a die-hard fan of the popular reality show, American idol, you would have realise that almost every ten minutes or a 5 min song, the emcee, Ryan Seacrest would go, "Stay with us after the commericals". It is unusual for the frequent disruption of the show by commericals as the usual interval for commericals is 15mins. The aim? To allow more commericals to be aired of course!
We are subconciously forming desires and wants after seeing how cool David Beckham looked while drinking Pespi or how dazzling Beyonce looked in that Gucci gown. As a result, we unknowingly chase after branded goods like esprit, elle, prada, nike because by owning such things, we become part of the fashion trend, we become "IN". It is not difficult to spot people having the same esprit bag or wearing the same levi hispter jeans. While we are caught in the trend, what we may not realise is that, WE LOOKED JUST THE SAME LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE! We have, in a way, lose our sense of individualism. And the horrible truth behind all the advertisting and branding of goods, is gobalisation! We are actually burning our pockets for goods that are made mainly by people in poor nations! What is worse is that a large part of our money goes to feeding the voracious appetite of people like David Beckham for diamond earrings, spawning villa in Madrid; designers and of course, the people behind all the propaganda. What about those people who made the products? They remained poor of course because they are being exploited for cheap labour.
So next time when you want to buy something, ask yourself if you really need the thing or is it the advertisments that are telling you that you need the thing.
Sunday, June 13, 2004 , 10:22 PM
><))o> Home alone no more!
#Alrighty! Mummy is more household chores to worry about or fretting over what i should cook for myself. Yesterday, i woke up at 6.50am because i expected mum to be home arnd 7plus and i wanted to be the one opening the door for her. I waited and waited until i nearly made a trip to slumberland. It was 9.30am when mum got home...felt so happy to see mum on the other hand, was relief to see that i havent transform the house into a garbage collection centre or burn the whole kitchen down...Mum told me that everyone in Penang were fine, even my grandma is going on happy for granny cos apparently, this year is a bad year for grannies...i'm glad that my grandma is still healthy and strong!
#I'm sure if you take MRT, you would have seen the lastest advertisment that keeps replaying know...that new jack neo movie with an irritating song that goes like "bai liu li bai....hui bu hui kai"...argh...i'm so sicked of hearing that song that everytime i hear it, i have the strong urge to smash the flat screen TV...but i always stopped myself in time otherwise i would have my pockets burnt...watched The Legend Of Zu just now...a movie directed by Xu Ke...although i was captivated with all the visual effects and "jiang hu" language, i simply couldn't understand what the whole movie was's all so philosophical and profound...and i missed the ending cos i was cycling home from the food centre (i watched the show first at home, then went to food centre to eat and continued watching the show until 9.50pm) the ending was left hanging for me...darn!
Friday, June 11, 2004 , 10:29 PM
><))o> Home alone, day 2,3 and 4
#Day 2
It was the first day of service learning...
Here are 2 kids smiling for the camera...very adorable..=)
As the hall starts to fill with children, jacintha and ganison got really for their item. Ganison calls himself Ganison Potter while jacintha goes by the name of "witch".
Simon and shuxin looking very cheerful although the girl beside him, cynthia, looked all grumpy...
Jacintha and ganison got on with their item. .In the picture, jacintha was challenging ganison to poke the balloon without bursting it and of course, without the tape on the balloon, ganison failed.
The first day of service learning was for the children to learn about science so there was a few stations set up to allow the children to learn about various aspect of science...the picture above is yong zhi hao and boon kiat's station, The Cartesian Diver. THe purpose of the station is to allow the kids to learn about how upon applying pressure, air is compressed and becomes denser than water, causing the dropper in the bottle to sink to the bottom of the bottle.
Karboon: "09/03 rocks!"
The next station which my group moved to was KarBoon's chromatography where she demonstrated how solvent can separate a soluble ink into its consituent colours...
The children were then given a chance to try out the experiment...
The above pic shows some of the "chromatogram"...the one with the pink dragonfly is mine!!
The next station is Wenxian's station where he demonstrated the principles of reflection..
Followed on is Lishi's station where she shows how it is possible to create different pitch by having a varied amount of water in the glass bottle...lishi, like an expert, played "Mary had a little lamb" and a few other songs, impressing the children!
The last station, also the station which the children has the most fun was Tan Zhi Hao's station, where the children were made to challenge each other by using the princple of magnetic repulsion to get the car to move...kavi won during the first round while cynthia won the last round (becos she cheated!)
At the end of one hour and a half, the children were gathered back into the hall for battle between the witch and harry potter part2.
At the end of the battle, both jacintha and ganison had tied, with each of them winning 2 they turned to the "magical" paper to see who wins the battle (the paper actually has words written on it using lemon juice). Ganison was suppose to use a lighter to heat the paper to reveal the words on the paper...but he screwed up and the paper caught fire who won? Well...of course the heroic harry potter (this is starting to get abit cliche isin't it?)
The day ended with loads of laughter...
Today is the second day of service learning and we are supposed to conduct art lessons for different groups of kids...there is vegetable chopping and paperbag making for the youngest group, face making for the intermediate group and photoframe making for the oldest group.
The picture above shows Joe and Zaki getting along extremly well...i was told by my gang that zaki looked like my bf...after looking at the boy for a few times, i concluded that they are right.
leena, intan, me and jacintha feeling great at the beginning of the day...
The girl is Meizhen...a very bubbly and cheerful girl...
Some of the kids from the intermediate group, posing for the camera.
The children and work and charles at the far end slacking!!
The day ended with KianWei giving out balloons to every kid and that marks the end of our service learning...i was extremly exhausted at the end of the whole thing because the kids proved to be more active for me...!
#On the same day, i went to Singapore Conference Hall for a choral performance, Jubilate. It is a choral festival sort of event so there were many choirs which performed.
Before the concert started, i saw qiuqun, qiujie, songnian and peixin on my way to the concert hall so i gave qiuqun a rose which i have specially bought for her and took a picture with her.
As i have mentioned earlier, many choirs were invited to perform and i was most impressed by Novo Concertenta Manila. I was blown away by their energetic singing and their synergy...i especially love the acapella version of "Dont say you love me" originally sang by m2m.
The finale item for the day was the festival chamber choir formed with members from Victora Chorale, Vocal Consort and NUS' Varsity Voices. I couldn't understand the artistic vaule of the first two songs but the last song, "I'll Be There" ended the night on a high note with peixin doing a superb job as a soloist for the song.
Above is my bf with the conductor of Novo Concertenta Manila, Mr Arwin Tan.
#After the concert, my bf and i went to Lau Pat Sat for dinner and met Evelyn and Weiwei who joined us for was already midnight by the time i reached home...*yawN*
#Day 4
Today is pretty much a boring day for me...did nothing much...except going out with bf in the morning to Bras Basah and Bugis, doing gp and arguing over differing intepretations of the GP comprehansion passage at Yoshinoya, Bugis. After that, i met up with mei mei and we went shopping at orchard...somehow, nothing much caught our eyes except for a bag and a t-shit with strawberry prints which meimei was interested but did not buy eventually and a pair of butterfly earrings which i bought=)
#Yippie...mummy coming back tomorrow..cnt wait to see is the end of my home alone brother is back from camp...he was tortured and describe the Alpha Bravo Camp as being similar to America's Celebrity Boot Camp...they were pumped, punished, not given any cold water, sweet food until enjoyable camp? I would hardly say so!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004 , 9:07 PM
><))o> Home alone, day 1
#theorically speaking, yesterday should be home alone, day 1. However, technically speaking, today is the first day i'm all alone at home so today shall be day 1.
This morning, i met up with my bf at Chong Pang and had breakfast. After sending him to Pasir Lebar Camp, i met up with Weifang at Jurong Point. After borrowing my badminton net for nearly 3 years, Weifang finally returned it to me today...afterwhich, we sat down at KFC and had a good chat. Although we havent met for nearly a year, Weifang is still the old Weifang...i find it extremely comfortable to talk to her and of course, had a good chat. At around 2pm, i headed home.
#At home, i inspected all the clothes which i have hung yesterday. As expected, those overlapping clothes didn't dry fully...*grumbles*...i shifted the wet areas into the sun then its mugging session...studied some math until 6 plus then cooked myself dinner. Dinner was a pathetic pasta with oyster and sesame sauce...the first bite was pretty ok but towards the end of the meal, i really felt like i am really missing mum's cooking...*sigh* 4 more days to mummy's return...
#kinda looking forward to tomorrow's service least it's something exciting compared to the usual happenings in my mundane life...just hope the kids aren't too active...
, 12:48 AM
><))o> Home alone
#I'm home alone...yeah like Kevin (Macaulay Culkin)in home dad is in Germany now on some business is in school now for camp and mum has left for Penang about 5 hrs back. I sent mum to Golden Mile at beach road where she is boarding the coach..fearing that evil is lurking on the way back to Lavender MRT station, my mum forced me to take a bus from Golden Mile i took 100 to Kallang MRT and went home from there. At home, the laundry itself poses a big challenge to me..i think all the laundry needed to be splited into 2 rounds of washing and there was stiff competition for places to dry. All the windows in my house are now hung with clothes...overlapping that makes me are the clothes going to dry? Well..i just hope there is no thunderstorm tonight...
Hmm...being home alone can be quite scary....i think perhapes i should heat up the doorknob and put some traps at the door and windows to defend my house against idiotic burglars...
#havent blog for like a few days so bear with me as i recap what happened this few days k? Two days ago, my bf and i were deciding on a destination to spend the evening. Initially we wanted to go Adam Road and have the famous Nasi Lemak there...afterwards, we decided that going East Coast would be more convenient...then we changed our mind to Marine Parade. It was certainly a blessing in disguise for us becos the following day, the news reported that on the previous day, the MRT route from Toa Payoh to Newton was disrupted from 10pm to 12am which means that should my bf and i finish our dinner around that time, we would have been stuck at Toa Payoh! Besides the MRT disruption, the news also reported that a bee hive was detected at East Coast Park, stinging a family of 4 which makes us doubly lucky...had we gone East Coast, we would have been victims too! =)
#Yesterday, my bf and i went to bugis to take neoprints!
From left: The "not-so-warmed-up" photo, the "still-not-so-warmed-up-but-warming-up" photo, the "warmed-up" photo and the "very-warmed-up" photo...
#after taking the neoprint, we walked down to city hall...along the way, we passed by Raffles Shopping Centre and for the benefit of cave dwellers out there, in case you didn't know, The Urban Dream Capsule is happening there...its a project by foreign artists where 4 of them will be staying in a given amount of space behind the glass panel (where the public can see them) for a given period of time. During this period of stay, they will carry on their normal life like eating, cooking and yup, bathing too! But the gential parts are cleverly censored by having some leaves stickers on the toilet...

The guy with the hand on his head is probably saying, "Oh my god...why am i doing this?"

His friend, sensing his distress, came over and gave him a massage...
#Beside seeing those artists living in the capsule, there were also a special visit made by their friends who came riding in yellow bicycles and dressed in of the lady passionately kissed all her 4 friends although the glass panel become an irritating barrier....her actions prompted all of the viewers there to burst into hearty laughters...

#Bf's parents went out today and left the both of us to look after the house...feeling rather bored, we decided to cook our own lunch and headed down to NTUC fairprice and got the's our end product!

On the top is a plate containing beef knuckles and a Mache-style potato strips...below is spaghetti in tomato and mushroom sauce, covered with a thick layer of Mozerella cheese...of cos what u see is just for one person...besides the main course, i have also cut some apples and prepared a bottle of Ribena. Meanwhile, my bf also fried some curry was sure a heavy lunch...i still feel full...even now...
Thursday, June 03, 2004 , 3:18 PM
><))o> Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
#Yippie...i'm so happy to be the first few thousand people in Singapore to watch the movie! The excitement the night before had left me a sleepless night. The whole of yesterday night, i was tossing and turning in bed thinking about the plot of the story. Although it has been nearly 4 years since i read the book, i was still able to remember little details from the book.
#The movie was yet another adventure for harry and his that they have grown older, i thought the characters were prettier and more good-looking then before especially Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton)...he has outgrown his childish looks!
This was him in the first 2 movies...
This is his new looks in the lastest harry potter movie...gosh..I love the hair!(Hmm..hope i dont sound like some desparate 12 year old!)
Just a little bit more of info: He acted as Anna's son in Anna and the King!
#okie..enough of drooling over Tom Felton...just a word of caution to people out there that didn't read or watch the first 2 installments of harry potter: YOU MIGHT NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON because the introduction of new characters are vauge and you need to take time to warm up to all those slangs used in the wizard world like "Muggles" , "Quadditch" , "dementors". Despite being a fan of Harry Potter, I would say that the movie is getting darker...jokes made are fewer and less funnier than before. Oh well..who to blame except J.K Rowling for writing such dark plots? All in all, i would say that the movie was an excellent visual account of the book itself and there are some morals to be learnt go and catch the movie alright? *winkS
#Tomorrow is the dry run for 09/03's service learning project and i have done my homework! I came up with the idea of face making as the lesson to be taught for children between 8 to 10 yrs old and as a sample, i have done up the faces of all the 27 people of 09/03.
Here's my masterpiece:
In addition, i did some animal faces like rabbit, mouse and a chinese wayang...
#Think it's a pretty long blog today...gotta put all the excitment behind me and get serious on my work! Btw, i thought this year's Miss Universal was a disappointment...Miss Australia looked like a mere carbon copy of Anna Kournikova...well maybe its not that bad...but its quite bad actually...