Tuesday, May 24, 2005 , 1:55 PM
><))o> My Vesak Day
#Yesterday i was supposed to meet up my bf, his friend and his gf but eventually his friend and gf didn't make it so we had the whole day to ourselves...while waiting for my bf to arrive, i went to isetan to find intan and chatted with her for about half an hour..it was really great to be able to talk to a friend whom i have not seen in ages!! And the best thing was that she was going to the same school as me!! This means that we can go to school today again!
#Afterwhich my bf finally arrived (i will fast forward from here). We went to far east first then headed to Heeren doing loads of window shopping and of course, drool over many clothes (both of us DROOL not just me alone ok?). Before going home, we had our lunch at Marche! Its been a long time since we ate at Marche and honestly speaking, we were both craving for the Rosti there. So we ordered two plates of Rosti, one with chicken hunter sassuage and tucked in. It was such a delicious lunch..the potato strips were crispy-brown and together with the cool sour cream, the taste is just heavenly! After our main course, we ordered a plate of fried calamari to end off our lunch. The calamari was nice but in my opinion, not as nice as those served at fish and co.
#Before leaving, my bf bought me a braclet! Its a tarnish gold type of chain, decorated with gold flowers and stars beads as well as crimson red flowers. It also has circular plates that produces a tinkling sound whenever it hits against the floral decors...=)) love the braclet~!Thanks fiz, had a wonderful day~
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 , 6:16 PM
><))o> A new layout!!!
#Yippie!! This is my lastest layout and i've been working on it for two weeks at least from the hatching of concept to actually getting down and putting the whole thing together!! Bascially, the idea to elongate my whole blog is something similar to the very first blogskin which i've used and the whole purpose is to minimise the number of scrollbars around! If you are wondering how come so many scrollbars are showing up then check if your screen is at 1028px by 768px ok? Because this site is best viewed at this size!
#Some new changes i've made (compared to the previous skins) :
-my clock is back!! YEAH!! I missed those times when my skins are without clocks..feels like precious time is slipping away and i don't even know it!
-the section on "me" (as the name suggests, it is devoted entirely to me, myself and i) is gone because basically, i think no body reads it especially if you happen to know the person well. Besides, i dont have that much things to write about myself as well. Therefore, what i have now is just a little bit of info on myself at the "home" section which happens to appear as a default section as well.
-Gone also were the days when i have only one song playing and worse, i've cheekily placed a script that doesn't allow you to stop the song and therefore, people have been complaining that they find the continuously-replaying song very irritating!! I've "turned over a new leaf" so to speak, and made a cool-looking mp3 player so that you people can select the songs you want to hear (i swear i will update the songs regularly or probably add more nice songs!). It can be found under the section "grove to the beat". Do read the instructions before you play the song ok? Or you will be wondering why the song doesn't start!
-Another fabulous change is that i've made a page specially dedicated to my blogskin designs...it serves something like my personal portfolio and i've gotten all the images up so that now, instead of words, you actually see the actual skin itself! You can also download the skin by clicking on the images! You can find this under the "goodies" section!
#There are still some nitty-gritty details that i'm not too please about but i will try to sort this out..when i have the time...for now, i'm happy with the overall skin...absolutely love it man! If you guys have any comments, tag me yeah?! Do take your time to explore!!
Saturday, May 14, 2005 , 12:55 PM
><))o> Jac back with the kids on the bloggig block
#To jac : Hey ger! Finally you've updated your blog!! Its been accumulating so much cobwebs and antique entries! Just a question (tag me to ans me if you happen to read this entry k?) : Who's Surash?!?!? (Amy looks bewildered and kapo at the same time!!) *Grins*
#One piece of good news..(actually its no longer a news) - AJ choir got gold with honours at this year's SYF!! There are only 5 schools who were awarded with this highest honour and i heard that AJ ranked 4th after VJ. HCJC and ACJC!! Woo...we rock!
#Anyho, i've been back to CSS to mark for the past three days and i tell ya...its really a tramutising thing to do...!! Argghhh! Especially when i ecounter tough questions...the marking is just so hardgoing because of the diversity of solutions the students give...and of course...i found myself remarking and remarking after changes to the master solution (ARGHH!! Its the most frustrating thing ever!!)..anyway, i'm glad all those torturing are over...being a teacher is no as simple as i previously thought...at least being a maths teacher isin't~!
#Read jac's blog and saw that she did this lame survey on "How cool are you" and i decided to try it...here's what i got...

You're The Epitome of Cool!!
How Cool Are You? brought to you by Quizillaooo...so much for the self-acclaimed ah ma!
Friday, May 06, 2005 , 8:55 PM
><))o> New hairstyle!
#I've cut my hair~! Its been a year since i last cut my hair and the ends are just getting all tangled up and dry. Therefore today, together with my mum, we went to my old house area and got our hair done (my mum went to dye her hair for Mummy's Day!) Yippie...my hair is now shoulder-length, very much shorter from what i used to have and pior to cutting my hair, i've changed my parting from centre to side =) My hair is now...
-lighter (alot lighter!)
-more layered
-more straight and silky
...love my new hairstyle! Love it!!
#going to NTU's School of Biological Science open house tomorrow...seems like no one from my class is going there...so sian...gotta get to know people all over again if i'm going NTU...=(...oh well..we'll see tomorrow...luckily i have my bf to accompany me or i'll be bored...
Wednesday, May 04, 2005 , 4:28 PM
><))o> I've offically retired
#Oh yeah...after 4 months plus of working, i've retired (if not, crudely put, TERMINATED!)...haha...anyway, not that i was harshly-axed by the school...more of my services is not required anymore. It is a welcoming change for me...feel really tired of teaching and yearning for a break, even if its a short term one. On the other hand, i'm sourcing for jobs already. My bf's friend apparently has some lobangs...to teach at kindergarden...or some secretary job..heard pay not bad...anyway, its only for another month or so...guess i wont be too picky..=)
#Anyho, there were many poignant moments yesterday when i walk into the classroom, knowing that its my last lessons with the students...i feel sad even as i stand at the photocopy machine, photocopying the last set of solutions for the students. With that aside, i've recieved some lovely gifts from 3/4 and 3/2 respectively. 3/4 gave me a card with all their well -wishes written on it...there was a cheeky message from a particular student who enjoys eluding from me when he doesn't hand up his work saying something like "let's see what Mr leong will do when he comes back if i don't hand up hw (laugh with me) Muahaha.."...if any 3/4 student is reading this, please help me pass this message to
Shazwi "When Mr Leong comes back, prepare to get your a** burnt if you dont hand up handwork (laugh with me) Muahahaha!"
#3/2 was very cute...they gave me this notebook which cost $3.85 (they forgot to peel off the price tag...haha)...and every one of them wrote a pageful of messages. It was very very colourful...one can just imagine how many coloured pens do they have in their pencil case! Anyhow, i was really touched by their gesture...and that $3.85 book to me now, is priceless.
To 3/2 & 3/4 : Thank you so much...i didn't know that i have made such an impact on so many of you...thanks for believing in me and of cos cooperating with me...(other than handing up homework)...and yeah...someday, i know i will go back into teaching service because you guys have made me believe more in myself =) I can honestly say that this teaching experience is the best-est working experience that i ever had and its you people that made all the difference!
#Oh oh..some pics that i've taken with 3/2 (thanks to
peiling who took the time to send me!)

That's peiling~! Gosh..we looked so yellow in this...as if we've both got jaundice...haha...