Saturday, April 16, 2005 , 6:26 PM
><))o> Muted
# I've gone dumb...not stupid but mute! I've officially lost my precious voice! "AHhhh....!" Amy screams, but in slience (pun intended!). Actually i saw it all coming. I started coughing about a week ago and on wed i went to Woodlands library to find some books for my bf's mum. After getting the books i wanted, i was tempted into Cafe Gailee (not sure if its spelled this way) by no doubt, the aroma of expresso! Happily, i got myself an ice-blended mocha and sipped delightfully as i read the books and what you know! The next day, my oesophagus felt as though its been tie into many tiny voice was hoarse and each word i speak hurts and very often, i go off-tune! So yucky!!
# Reported to work for both thurs and fri, thinking that it wouldnt hurt if i taught for two more days since the weekends are not far away. Some students are disgusted by my voice, which i could fully understand since i share their sentiments as well. Some students were sympathetic, offering me lozenges, remedies and keep reminding me not to shout too much (many thanks!!)
# By the end of yesterday, my voice was barely there and i dont know why when i'm with my bf, i'm so chatty...cannot stop talking...anyway, we had a nice day yest (refer to my bf's blog...too lazy to blog about it)...and Poof! When i went home, my voice was gone...damn! I've been a dumb for about 1 day liao...the feeling of not being able to verbally express myself really sux...on the other hand, i do find that i listen more and reflect on myself more....maybe that's how mutes think....poor them...i can kind of understand how they feel...
# Anyho, thanks to many who have showed students, my lao gong, my parents and the teachers at CSS! Thanks! I must try to get well by tml if not i'm a gone case!
Thursday, April 07, 2005 , 8:52 PM
><))o> What kind of fruit am i?
#Saw this test that meimei did and found it really i decided to try it out for myself...Meimei is a strawberry...aiyah..suits her lah...she's so ichigo! So i'm a....

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen!
Ohh....BANANA...!! Hahaha....i love bananas lah...i mean love to eat...hehe...
#Nothing else to i'm OUT!
Saturday, April 02, 2005 , 1:39 PM
><))o> Growing old the reverse way
#Before i start my topic, i would like to express my thanks to shuxin for the bday message. Thanks ger!!
#To jac : Please do someting to your tagboard! Its malfunctioning...i mean...there isin't even a tagboard! Do sign up for one at (the one i'm using now) You can choose the colour schemes and generate an easy code which you can cut and paste into your blog template...its really cool!!
#To leena : hey ger...for some weird reasons, after even typing the password to your question at your blog, i cannot get into your blog...can u like remove that password thingy? I'm dying to know what's going on in your life!! If got pple harrass you at your blog, call 911 lah...dont use that stupid password access!
#OKie...i'm gonna talk about growing old the reverse way. What does it means? Well u see, every morning my teachers (who live opposite my house) would send me to school and during the journey, they would discuss about various topics, peppered by their own opinions of course. There was once when my teacher was complaining to her husband about how those Normal Technical students whom she teaches for Computer Application are such a pain in the neck and can only resign to fate that they are not mature enough to think for their future, squandering their future away to mindless activites like sleeping during lessons, not bothering to even do their work properly.
#Sitting at the backseat of the car, a thought struck me, "Hey! Would it be nice if we all grow old the reverse way?". This means that we are born with the intellect and maturity at birth and this adultness- quality will enable us to give our best in school, excel in our studies, get our pirorities right. In a nutshell, be responsible students that do our homework and hand it up promptly, giving teachers the due attention and respect. And as we age, we become more and more childish, learning to play more and enjoy life more...with of course all those cash and stable job that the inborn maturity has ensured us of. Isin't it great? Then we wouldnt have people who are discriminated by the education system and end up becoming "nothing" in life just because they were not mature enough to think for themselves. Teachers would also have an easier job mentoring the students and developing their potentials.
#I think there was an advertisment that made used of this concept before- work hard when u are young and play hard when you are old. Could that become a reality for us? Unlikely i guess...its just a thought that would only exist in a utopian world i supposed. *amy shrugs*