Tuesday, July 19, 2005 , 3:41 PM
><))o> my first animated pic!

#Hopefully there's many more to come!
Thursday, July 14, 2005 , 7:00 PM
><))o> back with a new layout
#I really love this pinkish layout~! This time round, i've all my site info: info about myself, blog entries, links and contacts all shown in one page so that there's no more clicking needed! =) Song list will also be updated...i dont have much new songs though because its kinda difficult to download new songs for example: Marion Raven's "End of Me"! So bear with me yeah?
#School's starting soon...i really cannot wait for school to start because i'm so bored staying at home...only going out for choir and tuition..i feel so much of restrain on my freedom. I think my jc days are even better than now..nevermind...only about 1 week plus to go!
* time *
* vistor no. *
Free Hit Counter
* quote *
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
-Christopher Morley
* the girl *
. amy tan . 21 yrs old
.28th march 1986
. chocoholic . cat-lover .
.vertigo phobic
. catonese
. slacking mugger
. portable radio
* currently *
MOOD : bored
LISTENING : bon jovi
* loves *
. her bf . cats . chocolates
. teh ice
. blogskin designing .
. jigsaw puzzle
. gymming
. jennifer garner . halle berry
. beyonce knowles
. mandy moore
. amazing race .
. hongkong drama
* wishlist *
. good results .
. meet Goh Chok Tong
. be a student again
* goodies *
. blogskin designs .
* tag *
* disclaimer & copyright *
This site and all of its contents is copyrighted by
Reproduction of any part of the site will recieve my enternal condemnation.
*evil laughs*
-peace out-