Saturday, December 25, 2004 , 1:02 PM
><))o> Christmas eve outing
#Went out with meimei yesterday and we had so much fun!!! We met up at orchard and went shopping yesterday....our first stop was far far east, i was telling meimei that i wanna be a bitch and wear mini skirts. When we got into this shop that sells tons of mini skirts, the lady asked us if the lengths of the skirts were ok...meimei jokingly said that the skirts were too short for me and i jokingly replied that the skirts were too long for meimei....anyway, meimei dragged me into the changing room to try on the skirts and OMG...its so short for me....its like wearing underwear!! Evenutally we didn't buy the skirts lah...cos meimei thinks the skirts dont look too good on her also....
#Before that, we went to a small makeshift store selling T-shirts at only $9.90! Meimei told me that the current fashion craze is T-shirts with mickey mouse prints (which instantly made me thought of my 9 year old mickey mouse T-shirt which i recently donated to the salvation army....) and true enough, that store is stocked with mickey mouse T-shirts....meimei got herself a light blue shirt (with a mickey mouse embriodary)....actually she wants to get a dark purple one...but i told her that it looks like leena's blogskin and the colour just makes me sicked (haha...sorry leena!) for me, i found a shirt with a grumpy girl print...(as in the girl is really grumpy) and its really cute!!! The girl is in her pyjamas as if she just woke up and has a coffee cup in one hand, looking really grumpy!! There are other grumpy girl printed one pink shirt with the print of grumpy girl trying to smile...its so hilarious because the girl cant really get herself to smile....aiyah...i tell you guys you all also wont get it...i try to find the pic...
AH HAA!!! There it is!

This is the print of my shirt...but my shirt is not light blue...its a white t-shirt...

This is the "grumpy girl tries to smile" print....its so cute righT? Hahaha....
#go to
grumpy girl website to see more of their cute products!!! I bet you will love it as much as i do!!
#So after buying the shirts, meimei and i came up with a fabulous idea of trying out the shirts in the washroom just incase they dont fit and we can change it we went to one of the toilets to change....we got out with our new outfits so that we can look at ourselves in the mirror...meimei's shirt looked good on her but mine looked abit small.....(when i was buying the shirt, i asked the salegirl if she has a bigger size and she told me that this shirt is free size....but when i looked at the label, it says "S" i asked, "how come it says S here?"....then according to her, its free size....what the!)...but meimei assured me that it looked fine on ok loh...i kept the shirt...anyway i really love the print!
#After shopping (looking at many other clothes and watches and bags and accessories) around for a while more, we went to have dinner at subway....meimei very shuan gu (mountain tortoise)....she has never dine at subway before! So i introuduced her to their Turkey Breast Meal...its a long bread (we ordered the honey oat one) stuffed with slices of turkey breast, cheeses, tomatoes, cabbage, prickles and served with honey mustard dressing. It was delicious! And actually before we went into subway, its like a mini ghost town - very quiet and very un-inhabited (very few customers lah!)...but after we ordered our stuffs, people starts to stream in (monkey see see, monkey do do i guess!)....and meimei pointed out that we are actually have turkey on christmas eve!!! That makes our dinner seemed more like a christmas dinner...although its abit pathetic lah....
#After dinner, we went to borders hoping that meimei would bang into her shuai ge...but too bad we didn;t run into ....its 8 plus by then...and we went home from there...but i still feel quite happy lah cos we had fun anyway!
Sunday, December 19, 2004 , 1:33 PM
><))o> A belated update on AJC's very own prom night on 8dec
#Haha...sorry update on my blog on prom...i know its like so over already but i wanna blog about it so next time i can read and laugh about it lah...okies...less crap and more pictures!!
Me, intan and leena gathered at meimei's house for the great makeover! As i have said, it is a makeover so we kinda looked sloppy in the "BEFORE MAKEOVER" picture...we reached meimei's house at about 4 plus near 5 because me and intan got lost in that area (serangoon area) and overshot the bus stop that we were supposed to alight! Anyway, the above picture shows us ironing our dresses, getting ready to do our hair! And if you looked closely, i'm wearing my commonwealth T-shirt and shorts (in a nutshell, its CSS PE attire) because the dresscode is to wear things that are unwanted or not needed in a long while...(get the hint?) Hehe...
Well well well...never expected us to look so pretty after you saw the previous photo right? THen u are wrong! Like my mummy and her sister always says, "18-year-old girls will always look pretty"
I wasn't expecting something so stunt-y but trust the prom committee to come up with something as wacky as an ice-craving of AJC....actually to tell you the truth, i would appreciate it more if they had crave the words "0903 ROX" instead...
A group photo of all the 0903ians present save for kangwei, the one always MISSING IN ACTION.
Me, meimei and leena - vainty reigns and even taking picture in a hotel toilet is a MUST!
Glamourous glamourous huh? Jealous? Oh well...we cant helped it...!
Finally!! A shot with the ever busy kangwei!
A group shot again at the dinning table...talking about dinning table, our class was separated into 3 tables with me, leena and meimei at one table, intan with the muslims at another table and the rest together at one table....we were so PISSED i tell ya....but our spirits were not dampen...instead, we make do with circumstances and even get to table hop occasionally!
Doesn't the girls....opps i mean food just look delicious? (where's the food anyway?)
its 4/6 of the gang again...too bad marlin and jac cant be there with us...
Eh..sorry i'm lazy to rotate this pic around...if you really cant stand looking it like that then rotate your pc screen 90degrees anti-clockwise k? Anyway, its just me and meimei being wacky again...
More random shots....
This is a little gift from simon to meimei and shuxin respectively...according to meimei, its like a tiny garden...when you water the head of the dolls, grass will start to grow from it, forming the "hair" of the dolls....interesting!
Its leena and me...(i was trying to be sweet by lifting my skirt...not lah)
Well...what do you know? Leena spoilt the pic by being the odd one out again posing a different style from us....leena leena....
Tuesday, December 14, 2004 , 5:26 PM
><))o>Survival tips for travellers
#Hey people,i'm all the way in Penang, Malaysia now. Having a great time here...the food here are amazingly cheap...say..RM1.80 for a bowl of prawn noddles? What the hell can you get that kind of price in singapore?!?! But sadly, bad things always have to strike. My brother's handphone got taken away by some ah beng here right infront of his face! The story goes like this....
#My brother was at Komtar Complex (a building equivalent to Singapore's Western Stamford Hotel) with my cousin when a chinese guy approached them. The guy insisted that he buy my brother and cousin a drink at a nearby coffee shop and even though my brother declined, he forced them into the coffeeshop where two of his indian accomplices were waiting. During the visit, that ah beng probed about my brother's identity, asking my brother questions like where is he from, if he has a handphone and so on. My cousin (he's only 15) being navie and gulliable, told that ah beng that my brother was a Singaporean and has a handphone. That ah beng then told them grandmother story about himself saying that he is some leader of some gang at Komtar and just the night before, his gang beaten someone really badly and blah blah (i say he is crapping!) a attempt to instill some fear into my brother and cousin. After finishing his story, that ah beng ask my brother to lend him his handphone so that he could make a call to check out some thing (which he didn't say what). He also told my brother that he could get his handphone back from the people upstais guarding the billboard stations. And so there goes the handphone. When my brother returned from the billboard stations empty-handed to the coffeeshop, the three idiots were gone! HOw frustrating?!!? His S$280 6100 nokia handphone is gone together with the simcard valued at S$40!!!
#I felt very angered by those three ah bengs and hence i've came up with several methods to counter this kind of dark motives.
#The kungfu method
If you know kungfu, you are defintely at an advantage (if the stalker has no weapons that is)...if forced into a situation whereby you feel threaten, recall the scene from Stephen Chow's Kungfu Hustle where the nerdy-looking man slapped Stephen Chow (this caught him off guard) and then grabbed his hair and slamdunked him repeatedly onto the passenger's seat. If you find this defense method too complicated, then just kick that bastard in the loins...that is bound to make him harmless for about 10 full seconds which could give you a headstart if you wanna make a dash to the nearest police stations (forget about informing the Malaysian Police....they most probably wouldn't side Chinese) or to the nearest cab and you leave the place.
#The Girlie method
Forget about this "if-i-scream-i-will-look-like-a-sissy" thingy guys! This method works well for girls and even better for guys (an attack would expect a man to fight with him like a man right? so screaming would defintely catch him off guard). If you find yourself cornered in a crowded place, no where to run, just take a very very deep breath and let out a long scream in your highest possible is not only deafening, it catches the attention of onlookers. And when you are done screaming, shout, "He wants to take my handphone! catch him!" and muha! There you have it, the ah beng caught like some pathetic shrimp in a fishing net.
#Of course the number one rule is : NEVER EVER GET CORNERED!! And you should never tell people that you are a can always tell them that you dont live in this area or you just got back from overseas studies yeah? Lastly, bring lesser cash and expensive accessories when you are out on the street (doesn't hurt if you don't flaunt your wealth for once yeah?) yup...
#The prom photos...i will upload soon lah..when i'm back in Singapore....i'll be leaving for Genting tonight! How exciting!! To all my friends, take care!
Sunday, December 05, 2004 , 9:32 PM
><))o> Retarded
#Just tot i add this was taken during a bugis outing a few days ago...
Doesn't intan just look nothing near a malay? and look at her retarded haiR! She cut it herself....makes me wanna offense hor intan!
This was supposed to be a lame picture....see how everyone is putting effort to look dumb except leena who decides to flash her teeth....
#I've been feeling rather retarded lately...i don't know why i feel like i've got nothing to block (*blog i mean) about....oh well...a little update on my life...i have finally gotten rid of all the worksheets from my secondary school (yes...i still keep them up till recently...very recently)...turns out that the garang guni uncle doesnt want my know...its ironic...i mean...garang guni should collect almost anything and everything except unwanted dead corpse or fecal matter ya? But that uncle doesn't want my worksheets....i;m so hurted..he rather collect those flimsy newspapers than my worksheets which are high-quality double A eventually, i had to thrown them away myself..*piss*
#Went for The Vocal Consort choir practice (i have no idea why they cant just call themselves Vocal Consort...must add one THE.....sounds so...DUH Vocal that pun that we always play on DUH Chinese High School)....anyway, i'm so glad that Mr Kwei (the conductor) was there today...last week's practice without him sucks totally....the committee decided to split the choir up and learn the songs in small groups. Afterwhich, each group has to perform three songs....i was the only soprano 1 in my group and i had to sing all the descant and sop 1 parts man....not only i was too nervous to sing, i suffered a sore throat after that...up till now, i have yet recovered....*piss*
#Mum's almost finish making my dress for prom *claps*'s very nice...but not exactly as nice as i mummy not very what more can i expect? Anyway, i sew a butterfly out of beads (according to a drawing meimei drew for me quite a while ago) i am not artisically-incline at all, my butterfly almost became a drangonfly (at least thats what my dad thinks) *piss* Mummy's gonna help me remedy it....perhapes remove the butterfly and replace it with something.....Wow....looking forward to prom...not that i am excited about dolling up...but the chance to dine at one of singapore's finest (ok lah...not finest) hotel with my best buddies from AJ is just amazing!! Can't wait for the day to came! *beams* about nothing to blog...i've blog so much...gonna stop now...i'm watching tv!
Thursday, December 02, 2004 , 9:33 PM
><))o> What to blog about HUH?
#I'm so lazy to blog lately....must be because i am feeling ill - i am a sicked little wriggling...(whats thaT?!??!)...a little summary of the past few days' happenings.....stayed at home for 3 three days and did a thorough springcleaning of my room (i managed to pack out 6 bags of clothes, toys and bags for the Salvation Army!), did some ambigrams (inspired by Dan Brown's
Angels and Demons), i went to do my eyebrow....thank you to
intan, leena and meimei for accompanying me! Ok lah...nothing much to blog about....=P