Wednesday, August 31, 2005 , 3:29 PM

><))o> Into the 6th week of school

#I'm finally settling down at more sucky situations...just the occasional 'late for practicals', 'give the wrong answers during prac', 'spill my steaming teh onto the canteen floor', 'drop my pencil case during lectures' that sort of thing...other than little embarrassing situations like these, i'm happy to say that i've acclimatised!

School's been really busy lately....with all the ongoing lectures and tutorials...there's hardly a time to take a breather! Hence, i seldom blog now...there simple isint time to! Or rather, there isint time to daydream about what i can blog...thoughts come and the time i want to blog about something interesting, its gone from my mind- totally wiped out from the face of this earth. Nevertheless, i've something to blog about today!

Its about a book i've read.

And nah, its not a boring Biochemistry 100th edition book.
Rather, its the book 'A Walk to Remember' by Nicholas Sparks.

You know that movie with the same title starring Mandy Moore??

Yeah...thats the one!

#Apparantly, i've been told that the book is very very different from the movie and i got to find out for myself when i borrowed the book just weeks ago. To my surprise, the book is indeed miles apart from the contents of the movie! (Now, for the next part, if you haven't watch the movie, dont count on your lucky stars that you will understand what i'm talking about!)

Difference no. 1: In the book, Jamie's(Mandy Moore) dad had her only when he was like 50+ so by the time he married her off to Landon Carter, he's already a 70++ man which is FREAKING OLD! In the movie however, he's like some typical dad - middle age, handsome-looking and stuff~

Difference no. 2: Landon Carter was not as rebellious as the movie had portrayed him to be...instead, he was supposed to be a rebel only when he was young...and even so, all he ever did was to make snide remarks about Jamie's father while hiding behind some bushes and chew peanuts in the middle of the night at graveyards...he was even elected at the President of the Student's Union Club~!

Difference no. 3: The play which Jamie and Landon starred in...Jamie did not sing (as the movie had been).

#Well..there's about the major differences i could think of at hand...SEE...the movie's kinda different yeah? However, one thing remained unchanged and that is Jamie has Leukemia and she died eventually of course...and i remember crying about it (i was previously on the verge of tears when i watched the movie)...and as always...the quote...that ever moving phrase:

Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous. Love is never boastful and not conceded.
It is never rude and selfish.
It does not take offence and it is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people's sense of delight in the truth.
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope in doing due work, whatever comes.

#Awww....I've just got my Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (borrowed i mean) from the library!! Cant wait to start on it!!

Till next time......TataZ

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 , 10:09 PM

><))o> 2 weeks of university life

#After going through nearly 2 weeks of university life, the only word i could think of to describe is : sux.

Below are SOME (some only...still got alot) reasons why i think it sux (the more ***, the suckier it is):

1. Lecture notes are not printed for us (****)
2. Lecture notes can be uploaded as ridiculously late as the morning before the lecture (*******)
3. Tutorial lessons has no discussion at all...the lecturer/tutor just give us the answer....i think even the student can do this! So what are we learning exactly?? (********)
4. We have to print our own resources from super thick and super expensive books because the lecture notes are provided infro to the bare minimal!! (**********)

#Sigh...i'm so depressed now.....i'm confused too...SIgh..i hate university life!

* time *

* vistor no. *

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* quote *

Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.
-Christopher Morley

* the girl *

. amy tan . 21 yrs old .
.28th march 1986 .
. RPS > CSS > AJC > NTU .
. chocoholic . cat-lover .
.vertigo phobic . catonese .
. slacking mugger . portable radio .

* currently *

Image hosted by
MOOD : bored .
LISTENING : bon jovi .

* loves *

. her bf . cats . chocolates .
. teh ice . blogskin designing .
. jigsaw puzzle . gymming .
. jennifer garner
. halle berry .
. beyonce knowles . mandy moore .
. CSI . amazing race .
. hongkong drama .

* wishlist *

. good results .
. meet Goh Chok Tong .
. be a student again .

* goodies *

. blogskin designs .

* tag *

* disclaimer & copyright *

This site and all of its contents is copyrighted by amy.
Reproduction of any part of the site will recieve my enternal condemnation.
*evil laughs*

-peace out-

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* credits *


jimmy liao

Lush Brushes
Miss M.
Tipsie Net
Buddah Brushes
Tere Art
Beautiful Sin


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